Resumes that write your future…
open doors… and realize dreams…

Let us write a resumes that will get you noticed and lead to that position you have always wanted… Call us toll free at 888-361-3689 or e-mail us for a one-on-one consultation with a certified resume writer.

Designed for professionals in any industry with 2 or more years of experience. Are you ready to move into that new position and earn what you are really worth? Services include initial consultation, unlimited email support, professional resume, cover letter, thank you letter and ASCII format version.

Targeted for those launching senior management, executive and c-level campaigns. Position yourself as an industry leader by highlighting your value and accomplishments. Services include initial consultation, unlimited email support, executive resume, cover letter, thank you letter and ASCII format version.

You have the degree now it is time to find the job. Set yourself apart from the crowd… have a resume developed that emphasizes your skills, education and experience. Services include initial consultation, unlimited email support, executive resume, cover letter, thank you letter and ASCII format version.

Geared to the technically savvy professional constructed to highlight technical skills and emphasize industry achievements.
Services include initial consultation, unlimited email support, executive resume, cover letter, thank you letter and ASCII format version.


Resume Creation(entry level)
Need a resume and that all—we can do that. Let us create a career focused document for you today.

Cover Letter(entry level)
Introduce yourself with a targeted cover letter that highlights your skills and persuades the reader to look a little closer at what you can do for them.

Executive Recruiter Distribution
Get your resume in hands of select recruiters who are most likely looking for you. Unlike a typical "resume blast", my database content is specifically targeted and based on your unique preferences and project parameters. Updated quarterly, my database consists of 15,800+ recruiters.

Resume / Cover Letter Update(entry level)
Do you just need a refresh or are you targeting a specific position? If your resume was written in the last year then this could be just what you need.

ASCI Version
A .txt version of your resume. This is ideal for online posting at websites like

PDF Version
An online version of your resume that eliminates the possibility of your resume loosing its format or being copied.

Reference Page
Nothing makes you look better then being prepared for the interview.

Thank You / Follow Up Letter
Don’t forget to complete the interview process with a follow up / thank you letter.

RUSH Orders Available


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